Updated company logos to higher quality imagery.South Korean font converted to NanumSquare.Road signs upgraded with higher quality and pseudo-distance.Added North Korean traffic policewoman in Pyongyang.Added Chongju and Sinuiju locales missing from 1.3.Humvee police car adapted in Afghanistan as well as AI traffic.License plates upgraded including localized Chinese license plates.Expansion of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Pakistan.Expansion of Pakistan east towards the Himalayans.Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Capital Rebuilt (Designed and Mapped by TerraMaps Development Manager Qule).Added ETS2 1.47 compatibility and texture upgrades.SSD is recommended, need at least 13GB of free space for ETS2 + required DLC + Road to Asia mod.GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070 series or greater (or AMD equivalent).CPU: Intel i5 6600 or AMD Ryzen 5 (1st gen).Buffer size in ETS2 config: minimum 20 (required).Recommended specs for Seoul, Bishkek, Bukhara, Dandong, Ashgabat, and Pyongyang: Enjoy the vanilla version or a road connection with Great Steppe to truly bring you longer drives to enjoy! Developers comments: Your gateway to the Asian continent is here - welcome to Road to Asia by TerraMaps! Venturing through the scenic nations of Central Asia and beyond, RTA will bring you to new worlds and nations through the Asian continent as it expands.